Guess what! I have received IK. Not! Sent e-mail number two today. They haven't even responsed first one. I always thought that americans are almost overwhealming efficient. But I obviesly was wrong in this case. Bad luck for me I'm not that good in english so I can be sofisticatedly "toxic". Have a growing urge for that right now. Knitting and all around is very serious to me. No, not really, but I'm so in need for distraction from life and demands that frustration grows every day I check my mail box. Sounds like I'm the most shallow person in the world. Well I'm not. I'm just worried and tired... and worried... and...
Över till annat. På stickorna just nu: Regia-strumpor till sonen, en julklapp till dottern (vad skriver jag inte här för ibland läser hon min blogg) och ett par raggsockar till mig själv.
New subject. On the needles right now: Regia socks for son, christmas gift for daughter (don't tell you what cause she sometimes reads my blog) and a pair off (ragg-) socks for me.
What is this then? No, it's not kids playing with mummys hair and yarn. Looks like it though. It's a shawl. An effort creating ordinary day glamour. Looks better in real life than in picture.
2 kommentarer:
the yarn is very organic, and reminds me of the leaves on the ground in the park. lovely.
IK är verkligen en pest, jag vet att det är många här i Finland som inte heller har fått den. Eftersom jag nästan varje vecka pendlar in till Helsingfors beställer jag den inte, utan köper lösnummer, den kommer ca en vecka efter utgivningsdatumet till Stockmann.
Sockorna har en härlig färg, och schalen ser sååå skön ut, du måste visa den när den är klar!
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