My first FOB 2007 are son's socks. Nothing advanced at all but I think they are nice and son thinks they are both nice and comfy. Best of all they are warm too and that's good cause floors in school are cold. Can't wear slippers can you, mummy says ironicly. Same mom who can't cope without hers.
70 g Regia, colour 5171, and dpns 2,5 mm
Kolla här då! Nu har jag äntligen lärt mig hur man gör kitchener stitch. Jag behöver inte ens ha instruktionsvideon igång när jag gör det.
Check this out! I have finally learnt how to do kitchener stitch. I don't even have to watch the video while doing it.
Dottern har också fått sig ett par strumpor. Dessa påbörjade jag i somras när hon var på sin språkresa och en stor del av ena sockan stickades när vi satt och väntade på henne på flygplatsen. När strumporna bara skulle stickas ihop fram hamnade de längst ner i en kasse. För att uttrycka mig milt var jag inte helt förtrogen med kitchener stitch just då och de blev bara liggande. Tills nu!
Daughter has got a pair of socks too. Those I started last summer while she was on her language trip and most of one of the socks I knitted at the airport waiting for her arrival. When the socks only needed to bee grafted they ended deep down in a bag. To express it in a kind of understatement I wasn't really confident with the kitchener stitch right then and the socks stayed in the bag. Until now!
Broadripple Socks, mönster Rob Matyska, Strömpe & jumpergarn, färg 17, strumpstickor 3 mm.
Broadripple Socks, pattern Roby Matyska, yarn Strömpe & jumpergarn, colour 17, dpns 3 mm.
Check this out! I have finally learnt how to do kitchener stitch. I don't even have to watch the video while doing it.
Daughter has got a pair of socks too. Those I started last summer while she was on her language trip and most of one of the socks I knitted at the airport waiting for her arrival. When the socks only needed to bee grafted they ended deep down in a bag. To express it in a kind of understatement I wasn't really confident with the kitchener stitch right then and the socks stayed in the bag. Until now!
Broadripple Socks, pattern Roby Matyska, yarn Strömpe & jumpergarn, colour 17, dpns 3 mm.
Och så ännu en bild bara för att visa dotterns nya tapet. Hon har flyttat ner i källaren (gissa vem som ska få ett "hantverksrum" nu?) och rummet har fått nya tapeter varav en av väggarna ser ut ungefär så här:
And yet another picture just to show you daughters new wallpaper. She moved down to the basement (guess who will have a craft room now?) and the room has new wallpapers and on one wall it looks something like this:
Det är ju det här kruxet med blixt och färgåtergivning. Det är en varm brun färg med "krull" i en bronsaktig nyans. Otroligt snyggt i verkligheten!
Well, flashlight and colours, you know. It's a warm brown with curls in bronze-ish. It looks great in reality!
Som avslutning slänger jag in några bilder på vårens (?) tecken.
Finally I throw in some pictures of spring (?) signs.
And yet another picture just to show you daughters new wallpaper. She moved down to the basement (guess who will have a craft room now?) and the room has new wallpapers and on one wall it looks something like this:
Well, flashlight and colours, you know. It's a warm brown with curls in bronze-ish. It looks great in reality!
Som avslutning slänger jag in några bilder på vårens (?) tecken.
Finally I throw in some pictures of spring (?) signs.
1 kommentar:
nice socks. I love basic socks. they are the most comfortable in the end. to have the socks almost finished all this time! congrats on the new skill! they look perfect.
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