Please leave your votes!
Sweet "HPNY Knits" drew me back from "drug fog" reminding me not everybody speaks swedish. Sorry folks, no offence! Hope this makes it a little clearer.
Sweet "HPNY Knits" drew me back from "drug fog" reminding me not everybody speaks swedish. Sorry folks, no offence! Hope this makes it a little clearer.
What designs do you like to be published in Drops spring/summer issue 2007? You have ten votes each to be left with a mark in the square to the right of "Rösta" (meaning "Vote") . Click picture to enlarge for better view. There's also a field "Kommentar" for leaving comments beneath every picture. Fell free to do so. I've already seen some comments in english and frensh to. Maybe it will encourage Drops to update english version of sight more often. When finished leave your votes by scrolling all way down and click the "Rösta"-button.
A form comes up for you to fill out with your personall data. Though I've already have voted I can't do it again and I don't remeber the exact following but this is what it means:
Namn = Name
Adress = Address
e-mail = e-mail
Telefonnummer or
Telefonnr or
Tel nr = telephone number
Meddelande = message
Congratulations! Now you learnt swedish. It wasn't that hard, was it? Good luck!
1 kommentar:
ok, what are we voting for? I love to vote, but-?
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